Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Day Eleven - The little things...

The Geta's (shoes) are about two inches long so you can get an idea of how "little" they are.

"Bokeh"is a photographic term referring to out-of-focus areas in an image produced by a camera lens. Some people will refer to bokeh as the little circles of light that are out of focus, others will refer to it as just the blurry area that is out of focus.

Just some fun with my hubby's Star Wars minature figurines and my 50mm f1.8 lens.

Isn't it funny how the R2D2's on the side are in focus, but the middle one is not??


Maggie said...

LOL! I love the C3PO coming out of the box. Great macro shots.

Heather said...

LOL -- I love the Star Wars shots!

Holly said...

iuuuuhjmm b

Holly said...

Sorry, left the computer unattended for 2 seconds and my son leave a comment!!

These are cute! I love the dof's on all of them.